



Salute to Supernatural: VanCon, What to Expect From Salted & Burned

[ Written on August 10 2011 by Natalie ]

Heyo Everyone!

I’m very pleased to see so many of you take part in our contests! I hope that we’ll get a chance to meet our winners of our VanCon giveaway.

As you know, Nicole and I have big plans during VanCon weekend. We want to keep all of you in the loop as much as possible. We also have the wonderful Vanda who will be helping us with our coverage of the convention.

In the past, the thing that frustrated me most about fan conventions is the lack of coverage by any of the fansites. I understand the reason behind this is mainly because of attendees don’t wish their photos or videos to appear all over the net. Believe me, I’m a little wary of sharing my own. But because I love the series and the fandom so much, I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure all of you get to see lots of goodies!

Here is what you can expect, day by day, from us!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Nicole is takiing the Locations Set Tour that day. When she gets back, she will have a writeup and some photos to share. Who knows? Maybe she’ll get lucky! *wink wink*

Friday, August 26, 2011

No official schedule has been posted yet but here is what we do know:

Guests Appearing:

  • Alona Tal
  • Chad Lindeberg
  • Colin Lawrence
  • Richard Speight Jr.
  • This likely means we’ll have panels, photo ops, and autographs. We will try to live tweet during panels, and of course take lots of pics. That night is also the Karaoke Party with Richard Speight Jr, Chad Lindeberg, Alona Tal and Matt Cohen. Of course, we plan on being front and center during this crazy party and who knows, maybe we’ll get to sing with them too!

    We will do our best to post some photos and some writeups that night.

    Saturday, August 27, 2011

    Once again, we don’t have a schedule to go by but here are the guests that are appearing:

  • Richard Speight Jr
  • Russ Hamilton
  • Corin Nemec
  • Sebastien Roche
  • Steven Williams
  • Matt Cohen
  • Misha Collins
  • There will be a THE GREAT CREATION DESSERT PARTY SUPERNATURAL CENTERPIECE CONTEST that will take place. There will also be a Costume Contest at some point during the weekend.

    Again, we will take as many pics as we can and live-tweet during panels. We also hope to have a writeup at the end of the night.

    Sunday, August 28, 2011

    Sunday is the big day! This is the day that Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki make an appearance.

    Vanda and myself are also attending the Sunday morning breakfast with J2. So we’ll try to take pics as they come in and then we must set our cameras down. But we’ll try to remember what happens when we speak to them and have a writeup about it.

    Other guests appearing:

  • Christopher Heyerdahl
  • Once again, we will do our best to live-tweet, take pics and we’ll try to have a writeup that night as well.

    Throughout The Weekend

    I will be attending a meet and greet with Richard Speight Jr, Alona Tal, Chad Lindeberg, and Colin Lawrence. I believe Vanda will be attending some Meet & Greets as well as private Q&As. During the Meet & Greets we are not permitted to take photos except a group photo at the end. But I’ll do my best with writeups about the meet and greets.

    Dos & Don’ts During VanCon

    Unfortunately, we are unable to take videos of the panels or anything else during the weekend. Naturally, fans have often ignored this rule and we manage to get some goods on video. We will see how things go and if we are able to provide video, we will be more than happy to do so.

    Photo taking is encouraged and with Vanda in the first row and myself in the third, we should have some great HQ images.

    Salted & Burned Meet and Greet

    We are planning a meet and greet the Thursday night before the convention. It will likely be at a local bar close to the hotel, meaning those who attend must be 19 years old to attend and have a valid photo id. As we get closer to the date, I will confirm meet up place. This will give you, the fans, a chance to get to know Nicole and myself and also for us to let loose and have a bit of fun before the crazyness of the weekend begins.

    Questions For Panels

    We are all going to attempt to ask questions during panels and we want YOU to get involved. Please use the comments area of this post to give us your questions for the stars attending the convention.

    Please note From Creation Entertainment’s Website: The vast majority of our guest celebrities take questions from the audience during their on-stage time. Therefore it is incumbent upon those that ask questions to make them ones that allow our mutual shared time with the celebrities to be enjoyable, interesting and entertaining for all (including the guest). Asking for hugs, telling stars we love them (we all do, that’s why we’re here), giving gifts, getting into long personal stories, or worse, is not acceptable for this format and, in fact, is quite self-centered when you are in essence “representing” all of fandom to a celebrity. Join us in trying to make this convention the best entertainment for everyone!

    With the above taken into consideration, please base your questions on those rules. Vanda, Nicole and myself will pick the best questions and will attempt to ask them during panels.

    Remember to specify who your question is for!

    I think this should cover it. When the schedule is posted for the weekend, we will update this post with more specifics. Also tune into the following Twitter accounts to keep updated: @Nicole, @Vanda and @Natalie.

    Thanks for joining us on this crazy adventure!

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